DFDS suspends Newcastle-Amsterdam route

Following the introduction of new national measures intended to delay the spread of Covid-19, DFDS is temporarily suspending sailings on its Newcastle to Amsterdam ferry route.
The last sailings on the route before the temporary suspension will be from Amsterdam on Saturday and from Newcastle on Sunday.
“Customers with a booking are being informed individually about this, and we have decided to continue sailing for a few days more to give travellers a chance to get home,” said Kasper Moos, head of DFDS’ short routes and passenger business.
“We had hoped to be able to continue the route on the basis of a reduced operation.
“However, the situation has developed fast, and the recent national measures to slow down the spread of the virus, including travel restrictions, give us no alternative but to suspend sailings until April 13th as a minimum.
“Unfortunately, this also means that we will need to send crews and staff in Newcastle and IJmuiden home until the route can be re-opened.
“Crew members will be on board for some days to get the ships ready to be laid up in IJmuiden.
“We have informed everyone working at the route about the situation and are currently in talks with union representatives and national authorities in the Netherlands, the UK,
Denmark and Germany about this and possible schemes to mitigate the consequences on staff.”
DFDS said it would be able to share more information next week.
“That we have been able to sail and service our customers until now is only due to the fantastic efforts of our colleagues on board and ashore.
“They continued working to provide a service to our customers under extremely difficult conditions, and we owe every one of them our thanks and gratitude.
“I look forward to welcoming colleagues and customers back on the route, as soon as the Covid-19 crisis is under control,” concluded Moos.