Saint Lucia Tourist Board seeks to Lift Your Senses

Saint Lucia Tourist Board has unveiled a striking new brand campaign themed ‘Lift Your Senses’.
The campaign aims to capture vacation moments in a “fresh, journalistic style”.
Designed to evoke an emotional response, the campaign portrays the essence of Saint Lucia as an island that literally lifts visitors’ five senses - sight, taste, hearing, feel and smell.
The campaign was created by ISM, the award-winning Boston-based travel and lifestyle marketing firm, in close collaboration with the Saint Lucia Tourist Board.
“From strategy development through to execution, the ‘Lift Your Senses’ campaign truly captures what sets Saint Lucia apart from other Caribbean destinations in a way that we believe will differentiate our island in an extremely crowded competitive set,” said Louis Lewis, director of tourism for the Saint Lucia Tourist Board.
Presented in a series of vignettes, the campaign brings the reader or viewer closer to the on-island experience through a combination of close-up shots and experiential imagery.
Headlines tie each of the five senses to the variety of ways to stay and play on Saint Lucia to reach romance/bridal, family, adventure/dive, yachting and other key markets.
Conversation within the body copy ties back to the central idea that Saint Lucia “lifts” all the senses.
“Saint Lucia is such a rich destination of natural beauty, symbolised by the majestic Pitons, exceptional hospitality and commitment to service and mix of hotel product,” said Nerdin St. Rose, vice president marketing & sales for the Saint Lucia Tourist Board.
“’Lift Your Senses’ taps a variety of experiences to provide an ideal platform to connect with diverse groups of travellers in each of our target markets.”
The new campaign will break in January with online advertising initially followed by print placement in major consumer publications and television to be launched later in the year.
New collateral was officially rolled out for tour operators at the Caribbean Travel Marketplace.