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CTO gives Caribbean athletes a boost

The Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO), is playing a significant role in the development of young Caribbean athletes.The regional tourism institution has launched a youth athletic scholarship programme to assist promising young athletes in the region with their education and training needs. Coaches and administrators also stand to benefit from the programme, Bonita Morgan, CTO’s director of human resources has revealed.

“Sport is a powerful motivator for Caribbean youth and is seen as a vehicle for social and economic mobility.  The CTO recognises the link between supporting talented young Caribbean athletes and boosting sports tourism in the region,” Mrs. Morgan said.

The Caribbean Youth Athletic Scholarship Fund will be administered by the CTO Foundation, the Caribbean Tourism Organization’s scholarship programme which was launched in 1997 to provide scholarships and study grants to Caribbean students and tourism personnel who want to pursue studies in the areas of tourism/hospitality and language training.

An Advisory Council has been established to help develop the criteria for the application and selection process for the athletic scholarship and to give guidance to the programme from year to year. The Council is made up of successful athletes, coaches and sports personalities who have a interest in providing opportunities for athletically talented Caribbean youth.

CTO anticipates that it will offer the first scholarships early in 2005, Mrs. Morgan said.