Malawi joins the International Council of Tourism Partners
The International Council of Tourism Partners (ICTP) announced today that the southern African country of Malawi has become a destination member. This makes the 6th country from Africa to join ICTP since its recent inception.
Chairman of ICTP, Juergen Thomas Steinmetz, said: “Malawi is a gem of Africa. The people of Malawi are known for their warmth and hospitality and is the reason the country is nicknamed the Land of Smiles. With its diverse geography and unique culture, it is fitting for Malawi’s Department of Tourism to become a destination member of ICTP.”
Malawi is one of the safest tourist destinations in the world, and has earned itself the accolade of “the Warm Heart of Africa.” It is a land of contrasts – though small, Malawi has diverse topography and scenery with a natural vegetation mix of miombo woodland and savanna. Located within the southern part of Africa, Malawi is a landlocked country, sharing borders with Tanzania to the north, and northeast, Zambia to the west, and Mozambique to the east and southwest. Elevation above the sea level varies from approximately 30 meters at Nsanje to 3,000 meters at Sapitwa on Mount Mulanje, the highest peak in southern Africa north of Drankensburg. About 20 percent of the country is covered by Lake Malawi, the third largest in Africa.
Sosten Yobe Lingwalanya of the Malawi Department of Tourism, said: “The Malawi Department of Tourism in the Ministry of Tourism, Wildlife and Culture is delighted to join the International Council of Tourism Partners as a destination alliance member. We believe that as a destination, Malawi will benefit from the experience of ICTP and its members and learn from them to help make Malawi a truly wonderful holiday destination but also work with colleagues with the Southern African Regional who are members of ICTP on forging stronger links to see tourism grow and benefit citizens of these countries.”