Antigua & Barbuda loosens border restrictions
Antigua & Barbuda continues to ease travel protocols, as vaccinations rates increase within the country.
Over 60,000 of the targeted 80,000 population haven now been vaccinated.
As a result, fully vaccinated arriving passengers can present a RT-PCR test negative result of four days or fewer from date of testing, or an approved rapid antigen test negative result of three or fewer days from date of testing to be permitted entry into the country.
Partially vaccinated arriving passengers must have a negative Covid-19 RT-PCR (real time polymerase chain reaction) test for SARS-CoV-2 using a nasopharyngeal or oropharyngeal swab taken within four days of their flight.
This includes transiting passengers.
Rapid antigen tests and home tests are not accepted for such travellers.
All arriving passengers including returning nationals and residents are required to have received at least one dose of a World Health Organisation (WHO) or ministry of health wellness and the environment (MOHWE) approved two-dose Covid-19 vaccine or a single dose vaccine to be permitted entry.
Children below the age of eighteen years arriving at a port of entry are exempted from this requirement.
Unvaccinated minors between the ages of five and eighteen years old must present a negative RT-PCR test of four days or fewer from date of testing.
Children below the age of five years entering Antigua and Barbuda, do not require a Covid-19 RT-PCT test.
The location is known for its miles of white and pink sandy beaches, the largest Frigate Bird Sanctuary in the western hemisphere, beautiful vistas and rainforests with exhilarating hiking trails.