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Winter Skin During The Winter Months

As the winter months draw in habits start to change.  We tend to drink less water, and reach more for the coffee, tea, and hot chocolate and on goes the central heating. 
An increase in caffeine and drop in water intake has a dehydrating effect on the skin. 
This is further exasperated by lack of humidity in our houses caused by central heating. 
The best solution to winter skin is exfoliation and moisturisation
By exfoliating the skin twice a week we slough of dry dead skin cells which have been hanging around and encourage an increase in moisture present naturally in the skin to rise to the surface increasing hydration. 
This needs to be sealed in with a good moisturiser which not only adds to the hydration but helps to keep it locked in to the surface skin cells. 
You may find you need to up the intensity of your moisturiser during the winter months as the skin tends to produce less oil in less hot and humid environments. 
The Power Breakfast is a great exfoliator packed with natural ingredients such as oatmeal, honey and walnut powder. 
It has a gentle sloughing action and the strawberry content will also help to brighten the skin. 
For that really dry skin we love the Double Cream moisturiser from Temple Spa a rich formulation of Olive Oil and lots of anti oxidants, your skin will stay soft and nourished throughout the winter months.
For further information on Temple Spa products please visit
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