Breaking Travel News

Kuoni looks to modern to technology to boost sales

Kuoni looks to modern to technology to boost sales

With the internet no longer a new phenomenon but a necessity, Kuoni aims to optimise digital channels with its 2012 integrated marketing campaign which launched on Boxing Day 2011.

The campaign aims to ignite customer interest on many fronts with the new brand slogan ‘Requested by you…Crafted by Kuoni’.

Over and above traditional marketing channels such as national and regional press, outdoor, radio and direct mail, the online elements of the campaign offer exciting new innovations and creative thinking from Kuoni.

Included in the plan is the use of Augmented Reality in all national press and magazine advertising will reinvent print advertising by creating a two-way communication.

Kuoni is one of the first UK tour operators to use augmented reality whereby consumers will be prompted to view extra content and video through smartphones and iPads using image recognition technology from Aurasma. 

Martina King, managing director of Aurasma said: “Kuoni are natural partners for Aurasma because like us, their business is all about creating memorable experiences for people. 

“This campaign is visually stunning and includes the first ever integration of a ‘click to call’ feature in the app. 

“This makes it engaging and fast tracks the consumer journey from print brochure to booking line. 

“We look forward to seeing Kuoni roll out this technology across their marketing mix in 2012.”

Dynamic creative messaging in online display advertising will also be employed.

Over 240 creative message variations have been created, all based on a consumer’s journey and level of interaction with the Kuoni website.

In this way future messaging can be tailored to the individual experience and stage in the booking process.

Matt Dailey of MEC said: “The importance of relevancy, personalisation and context in marketing messages cannot be underplayed in driving increased conversion levels for businesses like Kuoni.

“Dynamic creative messaging has moved this opportunity to online display campaigns, enabling the levels of relevancy and personalisation that consumers expect and that drive them to re-consider Kuoni and take action.”

A social media competition on Facebook that will bring the campaign to life will form the centre piece of the plan.

Entrants can choose an image from the Kuoni brand images and write their personal holiday requests for a chance to win a £2,000 Kuoni Gift Card for their next holiday. 

The competition runs to February 29th 2012.

Naomi Wilkinson, head of marketing at Kuoni said: “Kuoni has successfully established Facebook and Twitter pages with 15,000+ and 5,000+ followers respectively.

“The Facebook competition is a way for customers and followers to engage with Kuoni in a fun and creative way whilst bringing alive the essence of the campaign.”

Breaking Travel News recently met with Kuoni e-business director Matt Rooke to discuss the brand’s social media plans.

Check out what he had to say here.