UNWTO activities at the World Travel Market
Silk Road Tour Operators Speed Networking in Cooperation with WTM (November 7, 0830–1000, Platinum Suites 3&4, Level 3)
A speed networking event allowing Silk Road tour operators to meet potential buyers and pursue shared business interests during and after WTM.
- UNWTO and WTM Ministers’ Summit: How Tourism can Prosper in Times of Uncertainty (November 8, 1100–1300, Platinum Suites 3&4, Level 3)
The fifth and largest UNWTO Ministers’ Summit, held in cooperation with WTM, will look at how the tourism sector can prosper following the global downturn. Tourism Ministers and industry leaders attending the summit, including the Ministers of Tourism of Egypt, Gambia, Georgia, Greece, Jamaica, Mexico, Norway, Qatar, Russia, and South Africa, will debate:
- The role of emerging markets
- The impact of fiscal consolidation and increased taxation in European tourism
- The future of tourism in the Middle East and North Africa
- The role and importance of governments and tourism public policies after the crisis
A press conference will be held the same day (1430–1530, Platinum Suites 5&6, Level 2).
- Seminar: Europe as an Incoming Destination for Long Haul Origin Markets: US Outbound (November 8, 1600–1730, North Gallery, Rooms 4&5)
The recent European Travel Commission/UNWTO study on the US outbound market sets the scene for this seminar, jointly organized with the European Tour Operators Association. The US is one of Europe’s most important markets and this event will be of interest to anyone already working within this market or interested in the opportunities it represents.
- The Silk Road Bloggers’ Ch@llenge at WTM (November 9, 1000–1700, Stands of the Silk Road destinations)
A new UNWTO/WTM initiative will see bloggers from around the world compete to create the best Silk Road travel blog at WTM. Bloggers will meet with Silk Road destinations at their stands to gather stories and news and reflect these in a dedicated blog. An Apple iPad will be awarded to the winning blogger.