Seychelles launches a promotional USB with a difference

It was the Brazilian press and travel trade who were honored to see the launch of the Seychelles Tourism Board’s latest marketing gadget – a USB key in the shape of the islands’ unique and endemic Coco de Mer nut. The idea was floated by Elsia Grandcourt, the CEO of the Seychelles Tourism Board, and she has now seen the project through having had produced the unique USB key with a difference.
The Coco de Mer Nut remains one of the Unique Selling Points of Seychelles and an icon now known across the world as a Seychelles wonder. The USB key is already proving to be a sought-after commodity that will be proudly used by the travel trade.
When showing off the new promotional item in Sao Paulo in Brazil, the Seychelles Minister responsible for Tourism and Culture, Alain St.Ange, said that it is too difficult to bring the big 40 pound nut for each of you to have one as a reminder of our visit and to remind yourselves of the beautiful Seychelles, so we brought you a miniature one you can use on a day-to-day basis in your work. We just hope it will keep Seychelles on your mind as you guide holiday makers to Seychelles for their holiday with a difference in what is truly paradise,” Minister St.Ange said.
The USB key in the form of a Coco de Mer is just another successful move by the Seychelles Tourism Board and one set to grab attention wherever it is seen.