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Morocco Expands Tourism Horizons at Arabian Travel Market in Dubai

Morocco Expands Tourism Horizons at Arabian Travel Market in Dubai

With 26 co-exhibitors uniting under the guidance of the Moroccan tourism office, Morocco aims to enhance its visibility as a top destination in the Gulf countries.

Morocco distinguished itself today at the 31st edition of The Arabian Travel Market (ATM) in Dubai, the premier travel and tourism exhibition in the Middle East, which is being held from May 6 to 9.

Represented by the Moroccan National Tourism Office (ONMT), Morocco showcased the unique appeal and vibrancy of its tourism sector.

The Dubai travel exhibition typically garners considerable global interest, with over 2,300 exhibitors and delegates from over 165 countries attending the flagship event.

The Moroccan pavilion at yesterday’s ATM was ceremoniously inaugurated, emphasizing Morocco’s dedication to broadening its footprint in the Middle East. The ribbon-cutting event was attended by Ahmed Tazi, the Moroccan ambassador to the United Arab Emirates, and Adel El Fakir, ONMT Director General.


Their presence symbolized Morocco’s strategic focus on solidifying its tourism market share and enhancing its visibility, particularly in the Gulf countries and the broader Middle East region.

With 26 co-exhibitors joining forces under ONMT’s leadership, Morocco aims to position itself as an irresistible destination offering a rich tapestry of experiences.