Kenya Airports Authority to host Routes Africa 2019
Routes Africa, the intra-Africa route development forum, will this year be hosted by the Kenya Airports Authority.
Routes Africa, which returned to the aviation event calendar last year with a successful event in Ghana, will take place this year in Mombasa in Kenya as part of a long-term commitment by Routes to help develop new routes to, from and within the continent.
To be held December 8th-10th at the PrideInn Paradise, Shanzu Beach in Mombasa, Kenya, the event will be the 13th Routes Africa.
As the region’s most long-standing aviation forum, the event has been bringing airlines, airports and tourism authorities together to discuss air services to, from and within Africa for over a decade.
This year’s edition of Routes Africa will see 250 delegates come together to experience the Routes African conference programme and to take part in around 600 face-to-face meetings over the course of two business days.
The Routes Africa conference programme brings together airline chief executives and c-suite speakers who will take to the stage to discuss the future of aviation within Africa and the most pressing issues facing the industry, while ASM Global, the world’s first provider of route development courses, will deliver their Route Development Accreditation course.
This course, developed exclusively for Routes Africa, will provide attendees with tools and techniques to help them attract new routes and increase existing services, and all delegates attending will benefit from a certification of attendance.
Routes Africa 2019 will be hosted by Kenya Airports Authority, a state corporation that is charged with the responsibility of providing and managing a coordinated system of airports in Kenya.
Jonny Andersen, chief executive, Kenya Airports Authority, said: “Kenya is a regional aviation powerhouse in the region.
“Our geographical location gives us an advantage in connections to most international hub cities in the world.
“Kenya’s centralised proximity to Europe, Asia, Middle East, Americas and the rest of Africa makes this a profitable aviation route.
“Our status as a trade and tourist regional hub also makes Kenya an attractive destination.”