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Tourists from Hungary land in Seychelles by special flight

Tourists from Hungary land in Seychelles by special flight

One hundred and ten Hungarians landed in Seychelles for a seven-day holiday through arrangements made by the island’s Destination Management Company (DMC) 7 Degrees South and Safari Travel Company of Hungary.

The operation opens Seychelles into the greater European tourism market through a specialist in safari-oriented tourism. The special plane that has landed in Seychelles for the first time with the hundred plus Hungarian tourists normally operates flights to Mombasa in Kenya, but through discussions with Mrs. Anna Butler-Payette of 7 Degrees South Agency, they promoted a Seychelles in addition to the African safari.

“This is an excellent move in the development of safari and beach holidays that is being promoted by the Tourism Board under the theme “From the Big Five…to the Best Five.” We need to continue to explore new target markets to keep our visitor arrival numbers and to ensure our accommodation network is buoyant,” Alain St.Ange said at Seychelles International Airport after the landing of the special flight with Hungarians from Mombasa.

Mr. Lazlo Luttenberg, the main representative of Safari Travel Company, who was on that special flight, said that he wanted to explore the possibility with 7 Degrees South to have more such groups next year.

The Hungarian Tourists are staying at Le Meridien Fisherman’s Cove Hotel, Le Meridien Barbarons Beach Hotel, Kempinski Resort, and the Berjaya Beau Vallon beach Hotel&Casino. “These one hundred plus Hungarians are a welcomed boost to our tourism industry. Yes they will be counted, because they are full-paying guests using our accommodation network. They fall within our policy to diversify our destination target market, and the more we adapt ourselves to this frame of mind, the faster we shall all move to help in the consolidation of our tourism industry,” Alain St.Ange said.


“We need to double our efforts to recapture our main traditional markets in Europe, but we must acknowledge that these same markets are also at the same time facing economic difficulties and that France is in election mode for the next months as their Presidential election fever heightens. This is why Seychelles is operating a two-pronged attack in working to recapture the traditional markets and at the same time opening new avenues in new target markets,” Alain St.Ange, the CEO of the Seychelles Tourism Board, said in ending.