Preferred group revamps website for 2009 has had a dramatic revamp of its website combining fresh, new visual appeal with greatly enhanced functionality.The revamp of will include individual sites for four of Preferreds distinctive brands, Preferred Hotels® & Resorts, Preferred Boutique?, Summit Hotels & Resorts? and Sterling Hotels?
Also included in the upgrade is the Preferred Golf Club?, the Preferred acclaimed Golf membership program and “I prefer” and “Historic Hotels of America” to be unveiled at later dates during the year.
“Preferred Hotel Group’s ongoing investment in website development underscores our commitment to our members by driving online bookings to their hotels, which has never been more important than now,” said Chairman and CEO John Ueberroth. “The debut of our new online image culminates more than a year of intensive development undertaken with three ambitious objectives: significantly increase online revenue, dramatically enhance brand awareness, and double traffic to the sites.”
Conceptualized by AkinsParker (Costa Mesa, California) and constructed by TIG Global (Washington, D.C.) the aim of the revamp is crate a simpler more informative website.
Each site pays tribute to the uniqueness of the brand and the diversity of Prefered customers that total at more than 700 independent hotels and resorts in more than 65 countries around the globe.