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Bonaire launches scuba fair

Bonaire is launching Dive Into Adventure 2006 Scuba diving with local and international experts on June 17-24.Bonaire’s top local “stars” along with international celebrities will lead specialized dive, dive-related adventure and land- and water-based adventure activities throughout the week, giving Dive Into Adventure Bonaire participants the once-in-a-lifetime chance to rub elbows and learn from some of the top marine biologists, conservationists, naturalists, underwater photographers and diving pros.

Details on all of the activities taking place during Dive Into Adventure Bonaire 2006 and information about each of the local and international “stars” can be found by visiting the event’s official website at

International “stars” set to participate in Dive Into Adventure Bonaire 2006 include Philippe Cousteau, grandson of Jacques-Yves Cousteau, and President of EarchEcho International, a foundation dedicated to uniting the pursuit of science, the conservation of nature and the education of public; Charlie Mazel, Principal Research Scientist at Physical Sciences Inc., author, and founder of NightSea, a company that develops equipment and techniques for fluorescence viewing, photography and research, both underwater and in the laboratory; Dos Winkel, world renowned underwater and nature photographer; and underwater photographers and naturalists Bill and Alice Miller. 

Each international “star” will lead activities, workshops and/or presentations during Dive Into Adventure Bonaire. 