Boom for Romania bookings
About 8,000 foreign tourists have visited Romania through travel agency Visit Romania, up by 38 percent as against last year.
The global turnover of the travel agency, appraised this year at 7-8 million euros, has registered an increase of 15-18 percent as against last year, of which a 38-percent growth for incoming tourism and an 83-percent-surge for event tourism.
Relating to incoming tourism, the tourists who visited Romania last year came from Japan (1,600), Western Europe (5,100) and other 1,030 from outside Europe.
At present, Visit Romania has a share capital worth 1.8 million euros, and for this reason the company is included in the list of companies without bankruptcy risk.
Gheorghe Fodoreanu, president of Visit Romania- Carlson Wagonlit Travel estimates for 2006 an about 20-percent increase in turnover , and particularly a 30-percent rise in incoming.
Incoming tourism and event tourism are activities which stand great chances of survival and development after Romania’s joining the European Union and will cope with the strong Internet offensive,’’ deems Fodoreanu.
Visit Romania, set up in 1994, has become in 1999 associate partner of the international travel management company Carlson Wagonlit Travel.
Among the events organized in time by Visit company include George Enescu festivals, the concert performed by Luciano Pavarotti on the occasion of the total solar eclipse (August 11,1999) the visits to Romania of presidents Bill Clinton and Jacques Chirac, visit of Pope John Paul II.