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FlightAware tracks 25mn flights

FlightAware’s free flight tracking website, , now offers data from over 25,000,000 (twenty-five million) past flights. FlightAware’s next-generation flight tracking services allow Internet users to view live flight tracking displays and maps in addition to archived flight history, statistics, routing information, and other functionality that effectively make use of FlightAware’s extensive and available archive of United States flight operations.

FlightAware receives and processes over 6,500,000 FAA radar position and flight information messages daily to provide flight tracking information for over 50,000 flights a day over the United States. In addition to specific flight tracking, the web site features live maps of the entire United States showing every plane in the sky as well as animations showing an entire day of air traffic activity.

The web site offers online arrival and departure “boards” for every airport in the country, even airports that only serve private planes. Web site users can not only view and track every inbound and outbound aircraft, but also see a live air traffic control-style map of the airport area. Airport information for pilots and aviation enthusiasts is also available such as runway information, airport diagrams, and airport procedures.