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Tanzania tourism signs deal with Ethiopian Airlines

Tanzania tourism signs deal with Ethiopian Airlines

The Tanzania Tourist Board and Ethiopian Airlines have signed a two-year Memorandum of Understanding to promote Tanzania tourism worldwide.

The MoU was signed with the intention to increase the number of visitors to both Tanzania and Ethiopia, increase the presence of Tanzania tourism in key international markets, as well as enhance the business profile of Ethiopian Airlines.

The MoU ceremony took place in Tanzania at Uhuru Hotel in Moshi near Kilimanjaro and was signed by Aloyce Nzuki, managing director for Tanzania Tourist Board and Hailemelokot Memo, sales representative for Ethiopian Airlines.

Nzuki said: “Ethiopian Airlines currently provides extensive airlift to Tanzania’s three major gateways (Dar es Salaam, Kilimanjaro and Zanzibar) and the new joint promotion agreement will expand the already strong partnership that we have with Ethiopian Airlines, especially in the North American market.”

Tanzania Tourist Board will develop and implement activities to promote tourist traffic to Tanzania via Ethiopian Airlines including promoting Ethiopian on the tourist board’s website, allowing Ethiopian to have a presence at Tanzania stands in trade and consumer fairs as well as organise joint road show promotions.

Other areas of cooperation between Tanzania Tourist Board and Ethiopian Airlines will focus on Tanzania and Ethiopia as twin destinations; and further support Ethiopian in developing programs and packages to Tanzania through its in-house tour operators.

In the United States, ET African Journeys already offers a full range of destination Tanzania itineraries including to the northern and southern safari circuits.