Seychelles Tourism Board appoints Tourism Ambassador in Zambia

The Seychelles Tourism Board is proud to announce its appointment of Seychellois national, Mr. Jamil Din Butt, as their latest tourism ambassador residing in Lusaka, Zambia.
Mr. Jamil Din Butt attended the International School of Lusaka between 1980 and 1987, where he obtained 6 “O” levels before moving on to Huron University where he earned a BSC in business administration. He is currently managing director of property developer Delamotte Zambia Limited and also holds a directorship at Delamotte Panama Limited, trading investment consultants.
Mr. Butt maintains close ties with his native Seychelles, visiting his home country each year and is already a keen sponsor of the 2012 Seychelles “Carnaval International de Victoria.” He looks forward to proactively supporting the interests of Seychelles tourism.
Alain St.Ange, the CEO of the Seychelles Tourism Board, said that he was happy with the interest shown by Mr. Butt to be a Seychelles representative in Lusaka. “Our move to empower our Seychellois nationals in the four corners of the world is working. We now have foot soldiers everywhere, and they are all working to promote Seychelles and also defend our Seychelles,” Alain St.Ange said.
Sharen Venus, the Senior Marketing Executive at the Tourism Board is the person also responsible for the Tourism Ambassadors program, and she has the responsibility of keeping all the accredited Ambassadors updated on the happenings in seychelles through a monthly newsletter.