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Radisson Edwardian New Media Campaign

‘FREE TO BE’, Radisson Edwardian’s new media campaign was launched on the 17th November 2002. Free to be - yourself, in your own time, in your own space, relaxed, comfortable.  The campaign delivers a very simple statement of the core proposition behind Radisson Edwardian Hotels.  As ever, the Edwardian experience revolves around a natural, warm relationship between guests and staff members.

Jasminder Singh, Chairman of Radisson Edwardian Hotels commented, “When you come to us you can exhale - heave a little sigh of relaxation - take the weight off - take the pressure away.  This is your sanctuary, you are free to be yourself.”
‘The Edwardian experience is about a new kind of luxury which makes you feel immediately comfortable and never intimidated.  Hotels can be quite formal environments, we believe our guests enjoy and expect beautiful spaces but don’t want to feel that they themselves are on display and can’t fully relax.”
‘The minute you step into one of our hotels, you are free to be whatever you want to be, this is your space to enjoy and we’ll take care of you.  It doesn’t mean a laissez faire attitude to service, far from it.  But the service you’ll find here is natural, straightforward and professional - it’s also extremely friendly.  Edwardian staff won’t deliver a formal, deferential service - but they will make you feel comfortable, well looked after and relaxed.”
“‘Free to Be’ is a natural fit for us, our longstanding ‘It’s Personal’ campaign shared the same fundamental focus on a simple, honest and warm experience.  ‘Free to Be’ is something which we can deliver everyday, in every detail.”
Radisson Edwardian Hotels is London’s largest privately owned upscale hotel group, currently with nine hotels in Central London and one near Heathrow.  Although independent, Radisson Edwardian is also a longstanding partner of the Carlson Group - one of the world’s largest and most successful leisure and travel businesses.
Founded in 1977 by Jasminder Singh, Radisson Edwardian has enjoyed continued growth and profitability and is committed to its long-term strategy of providing the best value, most comprehensive range of quality accommodation products in the Capital.  The company has continually reinvested and upgraded its properties and this dedication to excellence is consistent with the Group’s philosophy of customer care and quality of service.