Breaking Travel News

The World’s Largest Airline Applauds Illinois Gov. George Ryan For His Support Of Runway Enhancement

CHICAGO - American Airlines applauds Illinois Gov. George Ryan for his support of additional runway capacity at O’ Hare International Airport as proposed this past summer by Chicago Mayor Richard Daley.

American appreciates the governor’s willingness to support additional capacity despite opposition by some members of his party thus promoting the economic well being of the state of Illinois and the entire Midwest. In making his announcement, Gov. Ryan joins Iowa Sens. Chuck Grassley and Tom Harkin, Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin, U.S. Rep. Bill Lipinski, and Mayor Daley in recognizing the need for runway improvements at O’Hare.

For more than 10 years, American has called for improvements to O’Hare to eliminate delays during bad weather that tie up the nation’s transportation system. A new runway and the reconfiguration of the existing facilities are important in eliminating those delays.

American Airlines pledges to work with the governor and other elected officials on the issue of western access to O’Hare, which was not embraced by the governor, but which American believes will significantly improve the airport.

American Airlines is committed to maintaining O’Hare as the key to the nation’s aviation system.

