A Unique Approach To Health And Wellness With Dr. Mosaraf Ali

Castel Monastero in Tuscany announces a new therapeutic program of renewal from Dr. Mosaraf Ali, at the resort this spring.
A specialist in Integrated Medicine whose international clientele includes Prince Charles, the actor Michael Douglas, Richard Branson, the Sultan of Oman, and many other high-profile individuals, Dr. Ali will oversee a unique approach to health and wellness, encompassing traditional and ancient healing techniques from the Himalayas and beyond.
The exclusive, multi-day lifestyle program at Castel Monastero Spa is accompanied by special spa cuisine from Michelin-starred celebrity Chef Gordon Ramsay.
From the world’s tallest mountain range to the rolling hills of Tuscany, Dr. Ali’s holistic healing approach begins with an understanding of each client’s past, present and place in the world. The program taps Dr. Ali’s specialties in Ayurvedic medicine and naturopathy, eschewing quick fixes and combining oriental and traditional medicines - including some passed down by his Indian grandfather - to promote a return to fitness and the vital potential for health and wellness at every age. The healing concept is based upon nutrition, detoxification, movement and weight loss, with exclusive massages to aid in relaxation, recover tone and control the appetite.
Dr. Alì has created three unique programs for the Castel Monastero SPA (all available in 7-days or 3-days formats):
Detox program by Dr. Mosaraf Alì: for problems related to toxins overload
Weight Loss program by Dr. Mosaraf Alì: for all those problems derived from overweight such as bad posture, articulations and blood circulation problems.
Lifestyle program by Dr. Mosaraf Alì: for those who feel the need to recover their inner energy and revitalize.