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Iceland brings tourism inside its volcanoes

Iceland brings tourism inside its volcanoes

Iceland is showcasing its notorious volcanic nature by launching a tour inside the Thrihnukagigur Volcano, near Reykjavik. Visitors will be able to explore the volcano from the outside and from within the magma chamber on an exclusive six-week opening from June 15- July 31 2012.

Thrihnukagigur, which has been dormant for over 4,000 years, remains one of the few volcanoes on earth which is safe to explore inside. This is due to the rare geological occurrence where its magma solidified onto the chamber walls leaving a huge magma chamber, rather than the magma cooling into hard lava and closing the chamber, which happens after most eruptions.

Visitors will be wowed by the enormous bottle shaped magma chamber whose height is the equivalent to three Statue’s of Liberty and ground space is similar to three basketball courts. The 120 metre descent through the crater will be accompanied by specially trained guides in a cable lift.