Hertz continues to drive sustainability results

The Hertz Corporation, the world’s largest general use car rental brand, today published its 2012 Sustainability Report as part of its Living Journey strategy. The report highlights results and achievements of the company’s integration of sustainability best practices across its global operations, positioning Hertz as a leader in Sustainable Mobility and Equipment Solutions.
“Sustainability is part of our daily life at Hertz- it’s become a business management tool, as well as a mechanism to protect the environment and provide community benefits,” commented Mark P. Frissora, Hertz Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. “While we have made tremendous progress, our parallel commitment to continuous improvement means that we always strive to innovate and advance our sustainability efforts. Our sustainability efforts, as seen through Living Journey, will provide value to our stakeholders and help ensure the long-term health and productivity of the customers and communities we serve. We take pride in the progress that has been achieved since the launch of Living Journey.”
Living Journey (http://www.hertzlivingjourney.com), launched last year, includes Hertz’s sustainability initiatives and plans for the future. This strategy includes a focused commitment to smart mobility, environment, community outreach, and Hertz’s overall corporate commitment and best practices.
Through its various elements, Hertz’s Living Journey 2012 Sustainability Report highlights the following achievements:
Fleet: For travelers, 74% of Hertz’s car rental fleet averages 28+ mpg and the Company’s Green Traveler Collection features low emission and fuel efficient vehicles which average better than 48+ mpg. This collection includes a range of Hybrids, Electric, CNG, and clean diesel vehicles. Additionally, Hertz is exploring a range of cars and buses that use alternative fuels and technologies for airport transportation.
Hertz Equipment Rental Corporation also maintains a sustainable fleet with 70% of earthmoving equipment powered by low-emission engines in models that are 2012 and newer, which reduce air-pollution by 90% vs older models. Donlen, Hertz’s fleet leasing management company, has assisted companies in reducing fleet emissions through Fleets for Change, with a goal of minimizing commercial fleet greenhouse gas emissions by 20% over five years. And, Donlen’s DriverPoint Telematics measures the impact of driver behavior on fuel economy to reinforce green driving behaviors to implement change.
Facilities: Hertz applies U.S. Green Building Council’s LEED standards for new construction projects and will certify select sites, in addition to energy-efficient improvements and recycling at its global facilities. Energy efficiency upgrades in 2012 saved almost 4,000,000 kWh and 2,791 metric tons of CO2 and Hertz’s solar panel systems installed at facilities across the country produced more than 2.5 million kWh of electricity annually, enough to power 217 homes for a year.
Recycling: Hertz prioritizes materials and goods that can be recycled and reused. In 2012, Hertz U.S. operations recycled more than 5.2 million pounds of office paper, saving the equivalent of 18.5 million gallons of water and 45,000 trees. Hertz’s Equipment Rental locations have recycled more than 194,000 gallons of used oil. In 2012, Hertz’s New Jersey headquarters increased recycling by 50% and reduced waste disposal costs by 65% and the Company’s cafeterias recycle a variety of paper and plastic, diverting thousands of tons of waste from landfills annually.
Community: Hertz sponsors the United Way, American Red Cross, Make-A-Wish Foundation, National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Habitat for Humanity and many local organizations providing financial contributions and service opportunities for employees. Hertz also support veterans through its Hertz for Heroes initiative and has a protocol established to provide quick response and equipment to aid local recovery efforts when a natural disaster strikes.