Bridge of cooperation Astana EXPO -2017 and Yekaterinburg-2020

One of the most striking and interesting meetings of the Youth Forum “Russia - Kazakhstan “Leadership and innovation in the XXI century: looking into the future”, organised by the Ural State University of Economics, was a presentation session of “The Bridge of cooperation “Astana EXPO-2017” and “Yekaterinburg EXPO-2020”.
Elena Ovsyannikova, Director of special programs of the Eurasian Economic Youth Forum performed the functions of moderator.
On November 22, 2012 in Paris, at a meeting of the 152nd session of the General Assembly of the International Exhibitions Bureau, a host city of the international exhibition EXPO-2017 was selected by secret voting of 148 States.
It was the capital of Kazakhstan - Astana, which has submitted a bid “Future Energy”. 103 member countries voted in favor of Astana, Belgian Liege got 44 votes. It is expected that about 5 million people will be attended the World Universal Exhibition in Astana. This is the largest image project for Kazakhstan, which will give an impetus to the development of science, business and technology.
During the presentation session, the participants learned about love of Kazakhstani citizens for their capital and country, the win of Astana and holding the EXPO in 2017, as well as the reasons of Astana’s bid leadership.
“Astana’s success in the competition for the right to host EXPO-2017 - it’s an incredible feeling, happiness, the national pride in the country. Youth of Kazakhstan has become a major force in the organisation and promotion of EXPO-2017 bid”- said Asel Kozhakova, Director of Communications and Marketing of “National Company ”Astana EXPO-2017” JSC on her experience in promoting the bid.
Thanks to Asel Bulatovna participants were able to experience and relive the excitement and joy experienced by people of Kazakhstan, having learned of the win of their country. They were able to trace the process of promoting Astana’s bid from the beginning to the end.
The host country for EXPO-2020 will be chosen in a few days – on November 27, 2013 in Paris. We are all worried and we believe that Yekaterinburg city will host the major global event, which is a symbol of innovation and open platform to demonstrate technical and technological achievements.
Russia proposed the theme “Global Mind” for Expo 2020 - it is an attempt to explore comprehensively one of the most important realities of the modern world - globalisation: its implications, threats and challenges. The theme is of concern in the international community. All the people of the world are interested in promotion of human progress for solution of global problems.
Sergey Tushin, Deputy Head of the Administration of Yekaterinburg on the organisation of significant nationwide and international events and Constantin Pudov, Deputy Head of “EXPO-2020 Yekaterinburg Bid Committee of” ANO told about the stages of promotion of Yekaterinburg’s Bid to host the world’s fair.
As you know, the average age of people making discoveries, is 26 years. Young people will be the main participants of exhibitions in 2017 and 2020. The experience of Russia and Kazakhstan in promoting bids confirms that the future is in the hands of young people!
Students of the USUE - representatives of youth volunteer organisations involved in organising flash mobs and events held in Yekaterinburg in support of the bid to host EXPO-2020 presented their speeches to the participants of the meeting. At the end of the event, all participants made a photo on the background of the stand of the Ural State University of Economics.