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50 architects from all over the world submitted their design ideas

50 architects from all over the world submitted their design ideas

The application period of the International architectural contest for the best design idea of the exhibition complex and the symbol of Astana EXPO-2017 is now closed.

50 architects and companies sent in their projects from 20 countries of the world including Austria, Australia, the UK, Germany, Spain, Italy, Canada, China, the USA, the Netherlands, Korea, Russia, Portugal, Norway, Turkey, Tunisia, Japan, France, Ukraine and Kazakhstan.

Among the applicants there are foreign architects and companies with a history of successful design projects in Astana such as Manfredi Nicoletti (Kazakhstan concert hall), “Studio-44”, St. Petersburg (Palace of Schoolchildren), Sembol company (Khan Shatyr shopping and recreation centre) and others.

The architectural contest also attracted the attention of architects with successful prior experiences of designing EXPO exhibition complexes; these architects are Stefano Boeri (EXPO Milano 2015), Nana Hernandez Getashvili (project designer of Russian pavilion which was awarded the silver medal for the best pavilion design, EXPO Zaragoza 2008),  “GMP international SP” architecture firm (project designers of exhibition complex for bid campaign for Sao Paulo EXPO-2020) and Zaha Hadid (Zaragoza Bridge Pavilion,  EXPO 2008).

Kazakhstan is represented by the Urban Planners Union of Kazakhstan, KAZGOR Design Academy, Timur Suleymanov from the Union of Designers of Kazakhstan, Architect Saken Narynov’s Workshop from the Union of Architects of Kazakhstan, Kazorkenproject LLP jointly with the Eurasian National University “Ethno-architecture research institute” and many others.


The author of the best design idea will be awarded a prize of 150,000 US dollars. Furthermore, the name of the winner will not only remain in the history of international EXPO exhibitions, but will also become part of the construction history of Kazakhstan’s capital, since the exhibition complex will serve the citizens of Astana for more than one decade.

A technical council chaired by the well-known economist Jeremy Rifkin, President of the Foundation on Economic Trends, USA, will be evaluating the contest projects for two weeks. Philosopher, ecologist and community leader, J. Rifkin is the author of the Third Industrial Revolution concept, the elements of which will be reflected in the idea and theme of EXPO- 2017 in Astana.

The council is composed of prominent architects and specialists in the field of sustainable development and energy efficiency:

-    Eiсke R. Weber, Professor of Material Science, Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE;

-    Marcel Vоlkerts, Consultant at DNV KEMA;

-    Nunо Delgado, EFACEC;

-    Mario Aguiаm, Adviser to Commercial Division at ISQ;

-    Thomas Kerwin, FAIA, LEED AP;

-    Dr. Denis Patrick O’Malley, AIA, LEED.

The technical council includes Kazakh architects who will also be assessing the projects:
-    Amanzhol Chekanayev - Honorary Architect of the Republic of Kazakhstan (RK), professor of the International Academy of Architecture in Moscow, author of the book “Astana: architectural symphony of steppe”;

-    Aliaskar Kenzhetayev - Honorary Architect of the RK, director of Astanagorproekt LLP, project architect of the Duman entertainment center, project architect of the Kazakhstan concert hall;

-    Sagyndyk Dzhambulatov - Honorary Architect of the RK, professor of the International Academy of Architecture;
Vitaliy Siletskiy - Chief Architect, Astana;

-    Kanat Mukashev -Honorary Architect of the RK, director of architecture and design department at Astana EXPO-2017 NC JSC;

Kanagat Tlemisov - Honorary Construction Worker of the RK, adviser to the chairman of construction at NC Astana EXPO 2017 JSC;

-    Aidar Marat - Chief Project Architect, BA, MArсh, department of architecture and design at “Astana EXPO-2017” National Company JSC.

On August 12-16, after completion of the assessment, an exhibition of the competing ideas will be held at Korme exhibition center in Astana.

On September 1 the results of the contest are to be finalised, and it will be announced which design idea will be the concept of the EXPO-2017 exhibition complex.