Routes Americas News
Routes Americas to return to Chicago next year
Routes Americas, which is held in a different location each year, brings together airlines, airports and tourism authorities to discuss air service strategy and future networks.
Routes Americas underway in Indianapolis
The conference is set to be the catalyst for some of the exciting new partnerships and decisions that will shape the aviation industry in the Americas into the new decade.
Routes Americans to return to Bogota, Colombia
The agreement between Routes and Opain - El Dorado Airport Concessionaire of Bogotá El Dorado International Airport was signed during the World Routes event in Adelaide.
Routes Americas 2020 headed to Indianapolis, Indiana
Held in a different location each year and bringing together airlines, airports and tourism authorities, Routes Americas is the event dedicated to air service development in the Americas.
Routes reveals busiest air trip in South America
A new study published by Routes shows that the one-hour flight between São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro is the busiest air route in South America.
Routes reveals busiest air link in North America
A new study published by Routes, the organiser of the world’s leading air service development events, shows that Mexico City to Cancun is the busiest air route in North America.
Québec to welcome Routes Americas to Canada for first time
The first Canadian Routes Americas will take place in 2019 following a successful bid from Québec City Jean Lesage International Airport. Routes Americas brings together airports, airlines, tourism authorities and governments to plan future air services.
Routes Americas hands over to Denver International Airport
Routes Americas to take place in North America for the first time in 2015 as the event heads to Denver. After a record event in San Salvador which saw 487 delegates registered to attend the event, more than ever before, the Ministry of Tourism El Salvador have officially handed the event over to Denver, the host destination for the 8th Routes Americas event.
Routes Americas moves to Denver, USA in 2015
Denver, Colorado, USA was today named as the host city for the 8thRoutes Americas event, which will take place in February 2015 and hosted by Denver International Airport, supported by Visit Denver. This will mark the first time that Routes Americas, the route development forum for the entire Americas region, will be held in North America.
El Salvador picks up Routes Americas baton
After a record breaking event in Cartagena, which saw over 400 delegates in attendance Sociedad Aeroportuaria de la Costa have handed the event over to El Salvador the host destination of the seventh Routes Americas event which will take place in early 2014. The honourable minister of tourism José Napoleón Duarte Durán was instrumental in securing the hosting of the 2014 event which will welcome the region’s aviation industry leaders to El Salvador and show what the country can offer as a tourist destination as well as its great potential for business.
Routes Americas boosted by traffic growth and US-Colombian open skies agreement
Routes Americas 2013, which will take place in Cartagena, Colombia from 10-12 February, will see the strongest airline list ever assembled at the event. For the first time, the top 20 scheduled carriers in the Americas will all be in attendance.
Routes Americas outlines 2013 agenda
The sixth Routes Americas, held in association with ALTA, will take place on February 10th-12th 2013 in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia hosted by Sociedad Aeroportuaria de la Costa. The event, which is the annual gathering of air service decision makers for the entire Americas region, will bring together more than 350 delegates from airports, airlines, tourism authorities and other industry stakeholders from across the Americas to discuss air service development.