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Small cut in tourism funding in UK

Small cut in tourism funding in UK

The department for media, culture and sport has confirmed VisitBritain’s funding for 2015/16 will fall to just under £20 million – a reduction of five per cent on the 2014/15 budget.

However, the small cut has been welcomed by Christopher Rodrigues, chairman, VisitBritain, in the context of swingeing cuts seen elsewhere in government.

He said: “This is a good result for VisitBritain and clear evidence of ministers’ commitment to the tourism industry.

“This government understands the importance of tourism as one of the country’s leading export industries and a powerful engine of job creation. 

“We appreciate the efforts of tourism minister Hugh Robertson and secretary of state for media, culture and sport Maria Miller in batting for us through a tough spending round.”


At the same time, VisitEngland has confirmed it will see no cut in its core grant-in-aid.

“We are pleased and reassured by this clear commitment from government to tourism in England,” said VisitEngland chairman Lady Cobham.

“We recognise the public purse is under ever increasing pressure so we are delighted that tourism’s significant contribution to the economy has been recognised.

“Tourism in England is worth £97 billion however, there is still great potential for further growth across the country.”