Silk Air names new Chief Executive

SilkAir, will have a new Chief Executive from 3 September, when Leslie Thng takes over from Marvin Tan, who will be returning to parent company Singapore Airlines.
Mr Thng, 37, joined SilkAir as a Board Director on 1 April 2012 and is currently SIA’s Vice President Network Planning. He has been with SIA for more than 13 years, during which time he has held positions in head office as well as overseas.
Before taking up his current post in Network Planning in December 2011, Mr Thng had been based in Frankfurt as General Manager Germany since June 2009.
Prior to that he was based in Italy for one and a half years and before that was in China for more than three years. He has also worked in the Company’s Loyalty Marketing and Network Revenue Management departments.
Mr Tan, 41, will be returning to SIA as Ag Senior Vice President Cabin Crew. He has been Chief Executive of SilkAir since October 2010.
“Marvin has been leading SilkAir through an especially exciting time in the airline’s history. During his watch SilkAir added eight new destinations to its network and recently announced the largest aircraft order in its history,” said SilkAir Chairman Mr Mak Swee Wah.
“I would like to express my sincere thanks to Marvin and look forward to working closely with Leslie as we further enhance SilkAir’s role as the Regional Wing of Singapore Airlines.”