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Busan’s A-Z Guideline for Sustainable MICE

The sustainable management strategy for businesses, known as Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) management, is spreading throughout the MICE industry. Along with the infrastructure, costs, and service levels, the application of ESG is gaining prominence as a key consideration when selecting MICE destinations. As a result, international organizations such as the United Nations Environment Assembly and the European Union, as well as governments around the world, are providing guidelines for sustainable MICE events. In line with this trend, Busan is actively taking steps to implement and expand ESG practices in the MICE industry.

Moving Beyond Green to Sustainable MICE!
Busan MICE Sustainable Management DeclarationBusan MICE Sustainable Management Declaration

Since 2020, Busan has been a leader in the implementation of environmental practices by aiming to reduce carbon emissions and enhance energy efficiency through its eco-friendly MICE campaigns. In 2022, Busan took a significant step towards sustainable management by announcing a joint ESG declaration with public and private entities, including the MICE industry. The goal of Busan’s sustainable MICE approach is to prepare environmentally-responsible events, while maximizing community participation and the overall impact. Fulfilling social responsibilities during MICE events and reporting the effectiveness of ESG at MICE events are also included in these objectives.

To achieve these goals, the Busan Tourism Organization (BTO) has developed the “Sustainable MICE Guidelines for Busan” that are tailored to the realities of the Busan MICE industry. These guidelines, which can be directly utilized by event organizers, PCOs, convention centers, hotels, and other relevant parties, have been distributed to those involved in the industry since the end of last year.

MICE Guidelines for Step-by-step Sustainability Assessments and Implementation
The sustainable MICE guidelines developed by Busan, which are the first of their kind in the region, are designed to assess and implement every stage of MICE events in a sustainable manner, from the preparation and planning to the organization and operations, as well as monitoring and reporting on the ESG performance.

The guidelines provide detailed examples and recommendations to assist companies that may encounter challenges in establishing the ESG strategies and goals for events, as well as assistance in preparing operational manuals. Furthermore, they are presented in a checklist format, listing the key considerations for sustainability practices tailored to those involved in events, thereby enhancing their usability. In addition, the guidelines provide detailed guidance on incorporating ESG principles into event planning and different operational stages. This includes addressing aspects such as registration and entry procedures, integrating ESG into conference and exhibition programs, as well as planning for food, beverage and accommodation services.

The BTO has also conducted the “Training on ESG Management Guidelines for Busan” that is targeted industry professionals based on these guidelines. A range of initiatives is being promoted to expand ESG practices in the MICE industry, such as by organizing a relay of MOU signing ceremonies for ESG management practices with nine tourism and MICE organizations.

The implementation of the “Sustainable MICE Guidelines for Busan” is expected to further vitalize the planning and operation of sustainable MICE events in Busan. Through these efforts, Busan is aiming to evolve into a MICE-centric city that is in alignment with global trends.

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