TuneTrips pitches at music lovers
TuneTrips.com is a travel meta-search site designed with music lovers in mind. Visitors can search for an artist or venue to get to the show. TuneTrips.com is a free search engine that helps consumers tailor an experience to fit their schedule and budget.
TuneTrips.com provides a unique travel search experience. Tune Trips stores the details for thousands of events (including the address and closest major airport) to allow users to select a show as the criteria that drives the travel search.
Searching is free, and all purchases are completed at the providers’ web site. Just find an concert, select travel details based on price, schedule, or personal taste, and TuneTrips.com directs users to the sites with the best deals.
TuneTrips.com was created by Ron Lohse, a computer programmer in the travel industry and founder of SportsGroupie.com, the innovative boutique travel search engine for sports fans.
“The concert travel site was launched in response to the overwhelming positive feedback from Sports Groupie users, ” Lohse said. “Many users suggested that the same model would work well for other events such as concerts.”