£100m billboard advertising partner sought by Network Rail
Network Rail today announced it has begun its search for a media partner for its £100m roadside advertising contract. The company is looking to develop its nationwide roadside advertising business which accounts for around 8% of all large format advertising within the roadside sector - one of the biggest contracts of its type in Britain. Subject to negotiation, the contract could last up to five years, with an option to extend by a further two years.
Network Rail has over 3,000 advertising sites at over 2,000 locations across the country, including prime locations in London and other major cities. These include sites at Western Avenue, Royal Mint Street and High Street Kensington. Profits from the advertising contract will be reinvested into the railway.
David Biggs, commercial property director for Network Rail, commented: “We will secure over £1bn from commercial activities in the next five years, all of which will be reinvested into building a bigger and better railway. We are looking for the right partner to help us develop innovations for our roadside advertising business so that we can generate ever greater commercial return.”