Social Media News
Olivier Blanchard Basics Of Social Media ROI
This is one of the best presentations I’ve found addressing the perennial question of ROI when it comes to social media.
Change your thinking about social media
I have always disliked those inspirational viral e-mails that are circulated by friends. They always struck me as much too manipulative. I particularly despised the inclusion of superstitious taunts daring the receiver to forward the message, for example, “Forward this message to 10 friends within 24 hours” in order to a) receive unfathomable riches or b) avoid unimaginable despair…
BTN Special Report: social media crisis management
In the brave new world of social media, the crowds, not the boardroom control the conversation. It takes just one disgruntled customer to create viral campaign that can reek cyber havoc. So what can the corporates do to stay on the right side of bloggers? Adam Coulter investigates