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India Tourism News

World Travel Awards stands by Delhi

World Travel Awards stands by Delhi

30 September 2010 Travel Events News

World Travel Awards has confirmed it is going ahead with its planned Asia & Australasia Ceremony in Delhi on 14 October, despite sensational stories emanating from the build-up to the Commonwealth Games, which takes place concurrently in the Indian capital.

World Travel Awards backs India

22 September 2010 Focus

Major tourism institutions from around the world have begun to offer their support to India ahead of the Commonwealth Games. With just days to go before the opening ceremony WTA has confirmed it will go ahead with its planned Asian & Australasia Gala Ceremony in Delhi on October 14th – offering a significant boost to regional industry.

Accor plans huge global expansion

Accor plans huge global expansion

21 August 2010 Hotel News

French hospitality giant, Accor, plans to almost double the number of hotels in its global portfolio to 7,000 in the next seven years. The €1.4bn expansion will target high-growth emerging markets, particularly in Brazil and India, and will include opening a new hotel every week in Asia over the next two years.

Concerns raised ahead of Commonwealth Games

11 August 2010 Travel Events News

Tourism authorities in India are reporting a lack of interest in hotel accommodation ahead of the Commonwealth Games in Delhi. And with a fear of terrorism, endemic corruption and a dearth of top athletes hampering preparations, the games appear on shaky foundations just two months ahead of the opening ceremony.

Medical tourism spreads superbug to UK

11 August 2010 Tourism News

Medical tourists travelling from the UK to destinations in Pakistan and India may have contracted a superbug resistant to virtually all known antibiotics, experts warn. A study in The Lancet finds bacteria that make an enzyme called NDM-1 have travelled back with NHS patients who went abroad for treatments such as cosmetic surgery.

Britain seeks Indian tourism boost

29 July 2010 Tourism News

As prime minister David Cameron arrives in India with one of the largest trade delegations ever assembled, VisitBritian has announced its intention to bid for closer ties with the emerging superpower.

L’Occitane enters the Indian spa market

L’Occitane enters the Indian spa market

23 July 2010 Press Release Spa News

L’Occitane, the French luxury skincare and beauty products retailer, has signed a partnership deal with Devi Resorts to enter the growing Indian spa market, senior company officials said.