Scottish travel agents launch Holyrood protest
A protest by Scottish travel industry professionals has taken place outside of the Scottish Parliament at Holyrood.
Organised by the Scottish Passenger Agents’ Association, the event saw 150 travel agents, tour operators and travel associates bring their request that the government saves Scottish travel to the capital.
Members and representatives of Scotland’s whole travel sector, wearing ‘Save Scottish Travel’ face masks, brandished placards and hazard-tape bound passports, waving flags of the world outside the Parliament building.
The SPAA is demanding tailored support for the Scottish travel sector.
As well as the £1.7 billion of economic benefit to Scotland from outbound travel the country risks the £11 billion of economic activity from inbound visitors which relies on a robust, connected travel sector.
SPAA president Joanne Dooey said: “Travel is broken.
“We are at serious and immediate risk of losing Scotland’s travel industry and the 26,000 jobs which the industry supports.
“It seems as if the Scottish government has completely turned its back on the travel industry which is massively short sighted.
“Scotland is a small country which needs its connectivity to the rest of the globe.
“We have already lost routes, and more are imminent.
“If this happens it will be a catastrophe for the Scottish economy.”