Saudi takes presidency of IATA aviation security committee

The announcement was made in the sixth session of the organization council’s 229th session, held in Montreal, Canada, the Saudi Press Agency (SPA) reported.
The most important tasks of the committee of the ICAO Council are to submit its recommendations to the council on policies, strategic directions, priorities, and planning activities related to aviation security, in addition to providing consultation to the council on international standards and security recommendations.
The committee will assess new and emerging threats to international civil aviation and will take the necessary measures to protect civil aviation from acts of unlawful interference
Saudi Arabia has been playing a more pivotal role in supporting the air transport industry regionally and internationally, and it reflects the Kingdom’s position in international civil aviation forums as well as in regional organisations. Kingdom representatives chair several committees in the Arab Civil Aviation Organization (ACAO), including the aviation security committee.
According to SPA, the Kingdom continues to support civil aviation globally by launching several programmes and initiatives, in addition to dispatching Saudi experts to work in specialized organizations, hosting the permanent headquarters of the Cooperative Aviation Security Program Middle East (CASP-MID) of ICAO, and the permanent headquarters of ICAO’s Regional Safety Oversight Organization for Middle East and North Africa (MENA RSOO).