Paris 2024, a new adventure begins
January 2018 marks a major milestone in the history of Paris 2024, with the dissolution of the Bid Committee, which led the victorious campaign, and the creation of the Organising Committee for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games (OCOG).
The Paris 2024 bid reached its successful conclusion on September 13, 2017 in Lima, Peru. The collective adventure of the Bid Committee truly came to an end today, however, with the final board meeting that took place at the building of the French National Olympic and Sports Committee (CNOSF).
Chaired by the Paris 2024 President Tony Estanguet, the bid’s founding members were represented by Denis Masseglia, CNOSF President, Laura Flessel, Minister of Sports, Jean-François Martins, Deputy Mayor of the City of Paris responsible for Sports, Tourism and the Olympic and Paralympic Games, Vincent Roger, the Île-de-France Region special delegate for the Olympic and Paralympic Games, and Emmanuelle Assmann, President of the French Paralympic and Sports Committee (CPSF).
In the four months since the signing of the Host City contract, the Bid Committee led the foundations of the OCOG, the company whose mission will be to organise, finance and deliver the Games in 2024:
- The OCOG statutes were approved by the International Olympic Committee (IOC);
- The Olympic and Paralympic Law was voted by the French National Assembly and will be debated at the Senate in early February;
- The Olympic Venue Delivery Authority (SOLIDEO) was established;
- A comprehensive review of the Paris 2024 project is currently underway and should be completed by June, in close collaboration with the IOC and the International Paralympic Committee (IPC);
- Finally, recruitment for the OCOG has started, following the nomination of Etienne Thobois as Chief Executive Officer.
A budget surplus exceeding 5 million euros
The board also confirmed that the Bid Committee will conclude its operations with a surplus exceeding 5 million euros, with the French State, the City of Paris and the Île-de-France Region each receiving over 1,5 million euros back as a result.
The achievement of this budget surplus is a remarkable feat in bidding history and a strong testament to the rigorous management by the Paris 2024 bid committee. This exemplary and transparent approach will continue at Paris 2024 in the coming years in order to live up to its promise of delivering Olympic and Paralympic Games that are responsible, spectacular and useful for the population.
The first months of the Paris 2024 OCOG will lay the foundations of the project, in particular through the recruitment of the team, confirmation of technical project, further development of the Paris 2024 vision and its legacy objectives, and building its sponsorship strategy. These priorities will be further refined during the first General Assembly of Paris 2024, which will take place in early March.
Tony Estanguet, Paris 2024 President: Today we turn one of the most beautiful pages in our sports history with the awarding of the 2024 Games. We led an exemplary campaign, which concludes, with a budget surplus of over 5 million euros. This rigorous management sends a strong message, and we will follow the same diligent approach at the OCOG. The adventure ahead of us will be exciting, demanding but above all full of opportunities. This challenge will require everyone’s contribution and we are confident in our capacity to make of the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games a project that is spectacular, useful and responsible.
Denis Masseglia, CNOSF President: Today sees the end of a formidable adventure launched by the sports movement, which was able to bring together all the key elements for a successful candidature for Paris 2024. Now we are moving onto the next page, that of the Organising Committee that has an ambitious agenda for the material and social legacy of the Olympic and Paralympic Games. We have six years ahead of us to transform France from a country of sport lovers to a sport-loving country.
Anne Hidalgo, Mayor of Paris : 2017 was an exceptional year, that of a collective and historic victory, which the people of Paris, the Paris Region, and the whole of France can be proud of. We pass onto the next stage, which is equally important and demanding: organizing the Games. We now need to turn our commitments into concrete actions. This will have to be done in the same exemplary fashion and the same diligence (especially in regards to the budget), as was done since the beginning of this beautiful adventure. My priority is that these Games are useful for all citizens and generate employment opportunities.
Laura Flessel, Minister of Sports : The winning bid of Paris 2024 was a formidable, collective adventure. It was also the demonstration of a solid project that is responsible, diligent and serving the whole of France. It is with those same expectations and the same pride that we now look into the future and the preparation of this grand moment.
Valérie Pécresse, Île-de-France Region President: We are now closing the chapter of the candidature. It was a wonderful chapter, showing how we were able to work together as one team to make France triumph. Today, it is up to us to work on writing a new chapter. The Region will be present to ensure that these Olympic and Paralympic Games are beneficial for the people of our region and the whole of France, and to make Île-de-France more cohesive and attractive, inspired by the values of fair-play, tolerance and transcendence through sport.
Emmanuelle Assmann, CPSF President: Today is about turning the page but especially about the new adventure that lies ahead of us. Unity was the force of this candidature and it is this same unity that will bring the success of the Organising Committee for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games. It is a huge leap forward for the Paralympic Movement: these Games will help us change the perceptions regarding impairment in France and to develop sports practice, especially among the youth. We now have six years to build together our Paris 2024 dream!