KDS & SIXT Sign a Global Agreement
KDS and SIXT have signed a partnership business agreement end February 2005.With this new Direct Link agreement, KDS will bring to its customers a Direct Link to the SIXTÊ Central Reservation System.Ê
For SIXT, this new partnership confirms the company’s commitment to leading direct online booking solutions for its corporate customers, as indicates Hans-Norbert Topp, member of the board of SIXT. “SIXT’s objective is to deliver its corporate customers the best mobility services, including the most efficient online booking solutions, through our unique infrastructure, backed up with e-commerce-linked services. Consequently, this new partnership with KDS, one of the leading European online travel and expense solutions providers, is a natural step forward for us to better service our corporate customers’ demand”.
With the KDS Corporate solution, corporations can define and manage their travel policy with the level of accuracy they wish, they can access easily to public and negotiated fares of major travel industry providers. With KDS solutions, Corporate business travelers can book directly their SIXT cars online, but also their flights or train tickets, as well as their hotel rooms.Ê
“One KDS key strategicÊ goal is to provide Direct Links to the major travel industry suppliers. We offer to corporations, the maximum freedom in the choice ofÊ the suppliers and distribution channels they wish to use, when they book online their business travel. We are delighted to add now SIXT, the leading German car rental company, acting as a global provider in Europe and worldwide, to our partners. This new partnership further demonstrates the KDS strategic commitment to the German speaking markets, after our last two years partnerships agreements with Deutsche Bahn, TQ3 Travel Solutions and HRS”. States Jean-François Vergnangeal, Senior VP Marketing & Strategic Alliances at KDS.
This common solution built by KDS and e-SIXT, using XML technology,Ê brings several key advantages to corporationsÊ: a more efficient and quicker way to book car rental needs according to corporate travel policy, andÊ a more comprehensive and flexible solution including more services for business travelers.