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Pounamu Tourism Group: Setting the Standard for New Zealand Exploration

Pounamu Tourism Group: Setting the Standard for New Zealand Exploration

In the heart of the Southern Hemisphere lies a land of unparalleled natural beauty and cultural richness – New Zealand. And at the forefront of showcasing this beauty to the world stands Pounamu Tourism Group, a leading tour operator that has captured the essence of New Zealand’s allure like no other.
In a testament to their commitment and innovation, Pounamu Tourism Group has been nominated for the prestigious 2024 World Travel Awards in the category of New Zealand’s Leading Tour Operator. Their unique offering, the Sir Edmund Hillary Explorer Rail and Coach Tour, has captured the imagination of travelers worldwide, setting a new standard in immersive and sustainable tourism experiences.

The Legacy of Pounamu Tourism Group:

Pounamu Tourism Group’s journey began with a vision to celebrate and preserve New Zealand’s natural and cultural heritage while providing unforgettable experiences for travelers. Founded by a team of passionate individuals deeply rooted in the local communities, the company quickly gained recognition for its commitment to authenticity, sustainability, and excellence in service.

For years, Pounamu Tourism Group has been at the forefront of innovation in the tourism industry, constantly striving to offer unique and immersive experiences that go beyond the conventional tourist trails. Their dedication to responsible tourism practices has not only preserved the pristine beauty of New Zealand’s landscapes but has also contributed to the economic and social development of local communities.

The Sir Edmund Hillary Explorer Rail and Coach Tour:


At the heart of Pounamu Tourism Group’s success lies their flagship offering – the Sir Edmund Hillary Explorer Rail and Coach Tour. Named in honor of the legendary mountaineer and philanthropist, this tour promises an unforgettable journey through some of New Zealand’s most iconic landscapes, all while paying homage to Sir Edmund Hillary’s spirit of adventure and exploration.

The tour begins aboard a luxurious rail journey, winding through lush forests, rugged coastlines, and majestic mountains. Passengers are treated to panoramic views of New Zealand’s diverse landscapes, with expert guides providing insights into the geological, ecological, and cultural significance of each stop along the way.

But the Sir Edmund Hillary Explorer Rail and Coach Tour is more than just a scenic journey – it’s an immersive experience that invites travelers to engage with the rich tapestry of New Zealand’s culture and history. From traditional Māori performances to visits to local artisanal workshops, every aspect of the tour is designed to foster a deeper connection between travelers and the land they explore.

Moreover, Pounamu Tourism Group’s commitment to sustainability is evident throughout the tour, with efforts to minimize environmental impact and support local conservation initiatives. From eco-friendly accommodations to carbon-neutral transportation options, every detail is carefully considered to ensure that future generations can continue to enjoy New Zealand’s beauty for years to come.

Recognition at the 2024 World Travel Awards:

The nomination of Pounamu Tourism Group for the 2024 World Travel Awards is a testament to their unwavering dedication to excellence and innovation in the tourism industry. As one of the leading tour operators in New Zealand, Pounamu Tourism Group has set a new standard for sustainable and immersive travel experiences, enriching the lives of travelers while preserving the natural and cultural heritage of the places they visit.

Winning the title of New Zealand’s Leading Tour Operator would not only be a well-deserved accolade for Pounamu Tourism Group but also a validation of their tireless efforts to showcase the best that New Zealand has to offer to the world.

Pounamu Tourism Group’s nomination for the 2024 World Travel Awards is a testament to their commitment to excellence, sustainability, and innovation in the tourism industry. With their unique Sir Edmund Hillary Explorer Rail and Coach Tour, they have redefined the art of exploration, inviting travelers to embark on a journey of discovery through the breathtaking landscapes and rich cultural heritage of New Zealand. As they continue to set the standard for responsible and immersive tourism experiences, Pounamu Tourism Group is not just a tour operator – they are ambassadors of the New Zealand spirit, welcoming the world to experience the beauty and wonder of Aotearoa.