Mobile Gains Momentum with European Travelers
Rapid advances in mobile technology have introduced a new medium for consumers to interact with travel companies, and the results are quickly becoming evident among European travelers. In the U.K., France, and Germany, more than 90% of travelers plan to carry mobile phones with them while traveling in the upcoming year, according to PhoCusWright’s European Consumer Travel Report. And while travel-related mobile activities are still relatively uncommon among travelers across the markets, these activities show strong indicators for growth in the coming year. In these three markets, usage of mobile devices for travel-related activities is likely to double in the next year.
Of course, the ability of consumers to perform travel-related activities with their mobile devices depends largely on the features and capabilities of their phones. With well over a third of travelers carrying web-enabled phones across the markets, the opportunity for mobile travel commerce is already substantial, and will certainly grow as consumers replace older phones. Currently, 38% of travelers in France have phones with Web browsing capabilities, compared to 37% in Germany, and 47% in the U.K. Clearly, not having a mobile strategy is simply not an option for any travel company wishing to avoid an expensive game of catch-up.
PhoCusWright’s European Consumer Travel Report analyzes three European travel markets—France, Germany, and the U.K.—and presents an overview of the status of consumer travel in these three individual markets. With insights into smartphone usage, travel planning behavior, attitudes and preferences, the report arms travel companies with the information they need to better understand and engage consumers in these highly competitive travel marketplaces.