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UNIFE signs new MOU with European Federation of track-works

UNIFE signs new MOU with European Federation of track-works

EFRTC includes almost 150 companies employing more than 25 000 specialized track-works workforce and produce about 4 billion Euros turnover only for track-works (excluding materials). EFRTC companies are involved in major European projects for construction of new high-speed lines including priority projects of upgrading EC trans-European Network. Moreover EFRTC companies are not only active in Europe but are involved in railway projects over the whole world in about 30 countries as e.g. – in South America (Chile, Argentina, Brazil), Asia (Hong-Kong, Vietnam, Taiwan), Africa (Algeria, Morocco, Angola, Mali), USA and Australia.

The Memorandum was signed by Philippe Citroën (UNIFE Director General) and Jo Urlings (EFRTC President) on the occasion of the annual UNIFE General Assembly that took place from 13 to 15 June in Copenhagen.

The text foresees a number of measures to strengthen cooperation between both associations. In particular, joint cooperation will therefore be strengthened in a number of areas, including standardisation, harmonization of rules and regulations, cross-acceptance, and issues of other common interest such as technical innovations.