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Travel Exchange provides special sort of synergy

Travel Exchange provides special sort of synergy

Travel Exchange, the 2013 trade show that combines NTA’s annual Convention with the United Motorcoach Association’s EXPO, is an innovative collaboration that increases business opportunities for members. Travel Exchange is set for January 20-24 in Orlando, Florida.

“There’s a special sort of synergy at work here,” said Lisa Simon, NTA President, “By combining these leading business events of two strong organizations, we’ll deliver opportunities to our members on a much larger scale than ever before. We essentially are taking the industry in a new direction with stronger business building opportunities for businesses involved in travel to, from, and within North America.”

NTA and UMA are separate travel associations with different members, but Travel Exchange features components that both associations’ members seek in their annual trade show: one-on-one business appointments between buyers and sellers, an exhibit floor to showcase the latest developments in the industry, and a full slate of professional development sessions to help attendees hone business skills.

“This show will have a familiar feel to members of each association, but there’s an extra layer for everybody,” said Simon, “Not only can members interact with their existing partners, but on the other side of the floor they’ll find new partners and new possibilities. That’s the future.”

Travel Exchange integrates two shows on one floor, with the full spectrum of professionals engaged in North American travel. NTA’s overseas members - both buyers and sellers - will also benefit from the new arrangement.


“Besides the strong business connections and partnerships they’ve developed over the years at NTA, our international inbound members will also have the opportunity to connect with motorcoach company owners to develop key relationships and see the latest equipment being used in the US,” Simon explained.

NTA and UMA have set Travel Exchange dates and sites for the next three years:

Orlando, Florida, January 20–24, 2013
Los Angeles, California, February 16–20, 2014
New Orleans, Louisiana, January 17–21, 2015