Senate Committee considers draft law on EXPO 2017

Today on an extended session of the Committee on economic growth and entrepreneurship of the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan the draft law on introduction of amendments and additions to the legislation of the RK on issues of organisation and holding the International specialised exhibition EXPO-2017 in Astana was considered in the first reading.
The document is prepared in order to perform the obligations taken by the Republic of Kazakhstan under the competition among candidate countries to host EXPO-2017.
The reason for development of the draft law is the tasks of the Head of state given following the results of the meeting with Secretary General of the Bureau of International Exhibitions on August 1, 2013, visit to Korme Exhibition Center (EXPO-2017) on August 13, 2013 and on opening of the III session of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan of V convocation on September 2, 2013.
The draft law is focused on legislative regulation of issues on arrangement of favourable conditions for organisation and holding the International specialised exhibition EXPO-2017 in Astana, attraction of investments to construction of required infrastructure, ensuring the safety of visitors and participants of the exhibition, introduction of new innovative technologies, development of tourism sector and attraction of investments to the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The draft law provides introduction of amendments and additions to the Budget and the Tax Codes, as well as to series of laws.
The conceptually approved document is forwarded to consideration of the Chamber.