Queensland Rail: Valet rail safety project gets go-ahead
North Queensland is home to the latest tool in promoting railway safety at level crossings, with the Queensland-first Valet technology now fully activated for the first time at a site near Ingham. The technology will be activated for a three month trial period to allow vehicle monitoring to be conducted at the Bemerside level crossing on Halifax-Bemerside Road, just north of Ingham.
The Valet system uses in-ground flashing lights to alert motorists when a train is approaching the level crossing, giving the road the appearance of an airport taxiway.
Queensland Rail Chief Executive Officer Jim Benstead said installation of the system shows how dedicated the organisation is to promoting safety at level crossings.
“The Bemerside Valet crossing is a first for Queensland, and if it’s proven to be a success, we’ll be investigating whether to roll it out at more sites across the state,” Mr Benstead said.
“This technology is an added level of protection at level crossings.
“The valet system is a wirelessly controlled level crossing warning system, which uses in-ground flashing lights to alert motorists to the presence of a train on the network.
“The lights, which start 150 metres away from the level crossing, are easily visible during the day, at night and in fog.
“The Valet system is an additional level of protection at Bemerside, as the site already has flashing lights which warn motorists of an approaching train.
“The radar system is solar-powered, so it can work for weeks, even in cloudy and wet conditions.”
Even with the improvements in level crossing safety, Mr Benstead said it is still up to individual drivers to show caution when approaching a railway line.
“Queensland Rail is investing in engineering, education, enforcement and innovation solutions to level crossing safety, however motorists and pedestrians have a role to play in doing the right thing when trains are approaching.”