Breaking Travel News

Innovata LLC Database Reports

Innovata LLC Database Reports

At the end of November 2010 Innovata LLC had 885 airlines in the SRS database of which 797 operate under their own designator.  During November, on average, 93.25% of the database by volume was updated each week, and over the month 99.16% of the database was updated and refreshed. 63 airlines now update the Innovata database with Standard Schedules Messages (SSM).

For the first eleven months of 2010 Innovata averaged 94.02% of the database being updated each week and 99.15% each month, maintaining the trend of historic high update frequencies from airlines this year with well over 200,000 unique flight numbers being updated each week.

Amongst the airlines on base, Innovata have 107 airlines designated as Low Cost Carriers; and 129 airlines who file F and V services (cargo and truck services). A total of 266 airlines currently in the database operate wide body aircraft and /or F and V services. Currently almost one in ten flights filed with Innovata is a pure cargo service.

So far in 2010 Innovata have added 63 airlines to the database, recorded 36 IATA code or airline name changes to currently operating airlines, and recorded 74 airlines that have either ceased operations, suspended operations or merged.

These lists are included in the attached spreadsheet for your information and will be maintained as a running total during the year as we issue these month end status reports to you.


At the end of November Innovata also had 85,831 minimum connect time exceptions filed which represents yet another new historic all time high for Innovata and an 11.7% increase in MCT records filed compared to November 2009.  Innovata has added a net 6699 MCT records to the database during 2010 to date and we now claim to provide the industry with the most accurate and comprehensive MCT database available.