Final preparations completed as Changi Terminal 4 prepares for opening

Changi Airport Group today conducted its full-dress rehearsal for operations at Terminal 4, as it prepared to commence operations at the terminal on October 31st.
Since October 2016, operational readiness trials, training sessions and workshops have been held to train and prepare airport staff who will be working at T4.
Today’s rehearsal involved about 1,500 airport staff, tenants and participants, and included final systems checks and tests by airlines, commercial tenants, ground handling companies and other airport partners.
A fire evacuation exercise, as well as the transfer of assets and equipment, was also carried out.
Some 3,000 staff from the airport community will work at T4, once all nine airlines have moved in.
As part of the design of T4, staff-centric amenities have been incorporated in the terminal for a more conducive working environment for the airport community.
These include ergonomically-designed work stations, dumbwaiters at aircraft stands, and staff lounges.
T4 has undergone all inspections and audits by relevant agencies. It received its Temporary Occupation Permit in December 2016.
The two-storey building has also been accorded the Green Mark Gold Plus and Universal Accessibility awards by the Building & Construction Authority.
To ensure that staff working in the terminal are familiar with fire safety measures, eight fire drills involving over 7,800 participants have been conducted at the terminal.
CAG has also tested all fire systems (e.g. alarms and sprinklers) as part of its preparations for T4’s opening.
The terminal is designed with a full suite of fire detection and protection measures, such as smoke control and exhaust systems, emergency communication systems, as well as fire hydrants for the main terminal building and adjacent ancillary buildings.
The Singapore Civil Defence Force has assessed T4 to be fit and safe for occupancy.