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Cruise Industry Charitable Foundation and CLIA present grants

Cruise Industry Charitable Foundation and CLIA present grants

The Cruise Industry Charitable Foundation, in partnership with the Cruise Lines International Association, presented $50,000 in grants to three Baltimore-area foundations Sunday at a brunch aboard the Carnival Pride in the Port of Baltimore.

Featured speakers included Congressman Elijah Cummings (D-MD), Cruise Lines International Association CEO Christine Duffy, and Maryland Port Administration Deputy Executive Director M. Kathleen Broadwater. More than 130 guests attended the event.

“In addition to bringing thousands of cruise passengers to our great city and state, the cruise industry is making a strong contribution to our community, improving the lives of those who live here,” said Congressman Elijah Cummings (D-MD), who represents the community in Congress.

“It is a wonderful opportunity to be able to give back to the youth of Baltimore, a community that supports our industry each day, whether it’s workers in the ports or on the ships, volunteers that greet the tourists, or the area businesses that open their doors to our guests,” said CICF Chairman Jim Border.

The Cruise Industry Charitable Foundation (CICF), a 501(c)(3) public charity founded by the Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA), supports programs that are designed to improve the quality of life in the communities served by the cruise industry, especially port cities. More information can be found on the Foundation’s website at


“The cruise industry wholeheartedly supports its port communities, and I couldn’t think of three more deserving charities in the Baltimore area than those we are supporting today,” CLIA CEO Christine Duffy said.  “We are proud that the CICF can continue to support deserving organisations in our industry’s port communities.”

The CICF is providing grants to the Dundalk Youth Service Center (DYSC), the Youth Program in Israel Fellowship, and the Maritime Industries Academy.

“The Port of Baltimore is truly honored to be the host cruise port for this wonderful event,” said Maryland Port Administration Deputy Executive Director M. Kathleen Broadwater.  “Giving back to our local community is something that the Maryland Port Administration actively practices, and as such we commend the Cruise Lines International Association for selecting these three worthwhile entities.” 

DYSC is a Maryland-certified youth service bureau, dedicated to providing youth and their families with a variety of mental health services, including: individual, group, and family counseling, prevention programs, and referral services.  DYSC forms partnerships with schools and other local agencies to best meet the many needs of the families living in Southeast Baltimore County.

DYSC Executive Director Linda Bryan said, “Dundalk Youth Service Center is honored to be chosen as one of the recipients of the CICF’s charitable gifts.  DYSC is dedicated to serving the children and families of Southeast Baltimore County by providing individual and group counseling to struggling families.  Additionally, our licensed social workers and counselors work with the local schools to provide services such as the Second Step Violence Prevention Program.  DYSC is one of three Youth Service Bureaus in the county that are members of a larger state organisation, Maryland Association of Youth Service Bureaus (MAYSB).  Through this affiliation, as well as many community partnerships, DYSC is committed to providing programming that best meets the needs of the families we serve.”

Youth Program in Israel Fellowship builds bridges between Baltimore’s diverse communities by fostering positive relationships between ethnic groups. The program provides high school students tools and real world opportunities to become future leaders through sponsorship of an immersion program to Israel for 10th grade students.

Jason Fair, Director of the Youth Program in Israel Fellowship, said the program was honored to be chosen. “This donation will help the Youth Program in Israel Fellowship to continue building ambassadors of cross-cultural relations who demand high expectations of themselves and are committed to working for a better tomorrow.”

As part of Baltimore City Public Schools, the Maritime Industries Academy emphasises student-centered, maritime industry focused studies, while providing an environment that helps nurture individuals who value community, commitment, and contribution in their pursuit of lifelong learning and success.

Dorian L. Barnes, Principal, Maritime Industries Academy High (#431), said, “Maritime Industries Academy is humbled and honored to be recognised for CICF’s charitable gifts. Maritime Industries Academy believes that providing urban students with a high quality education is a civil rights movement that every member of our organisation is focused upon. The fundamental purpose of Maritime Industries Academy is to expose students from Baltimore City to the maritime industry as well as provide educational freedom, where students graduate high school with a myriad of college and career options!”