Roadpost Expands Boundaries for Worldwide Internet Service
Roadpost has expanded coverage for its Worldwide Internet Service through a new agreement with iPass that gives business travelers access to 300 network providers in over 150 countries.
Morris Shawn, president and CEO of Roadpost, says, “Today’s customers are constantly seeking greater access to more broad-based Internet services, especially in the growing areas of WiFi and Ethernet. With access to more than 21,000 hotspots and Ethernet broadband locations in over 60 countries, iPass is the market leader in Wi-Fi and broadband network connectivity. Their coverage, combined with our full range of international cellular services, represents an ideal fit in meeting today’s ever-growing communications needs.”
Roadpost Worldwide Internet Service is available in two pricing plans which include a flat rate plan that includes 75 hours of dial-up in North America, or a pay-as-you-go plan that requires a one year annual subscription fee.