Breaking Travel News

TOWARD Europe Targets the New Travel Industry

TOWARD Europe has today announced details for a programme of one-day member forums under the banner ‘Managing business in the new travel industry’. Topics under the spotlight will include dynamic packaging, pay-per-click marketing and new market opportunities.Each TOWARD Europe forum will bring together top business and commercial leaders from across the European travel industry. Events are sponsored by companies including British Airways Holidays, Amadeus and Adprecision.

The first forum, taking place on 12 May at Anite’s headquarters in Slough, will address supply in the dynamic marketplace. The event will encompass keynote presentations and interactive sessions allowing members to cover industry issues with their peers. TOWARD Europe reports will be produced encapsulating the highlight of every forum.

Bill Barnes, TOWARD Europe management committee member and Amadeus UK director of sales said: “TOWARD Europe’s output since launch has been outstanding, and we are always looking to develop in a way that benefits our members.

“There is a real desire for highly focused, one-day events where attendees can shape the future of their industry. The five events we have announced today clearly meet our intention to help members manage and grow their businesses successfully.”