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BrewDog unveils plans for DogHouse hotel in Ohio, US

BrewDog unveils plans for DogHouse hotel in Ohio, US

Scottish craft brewery BrewDog is giving beer geeks the ultimate beer-themed immersive experience, with plans to build a craft beer hotel in Columbus, Ohio.

Every element of the stay pays homage to hops and the vast world of incredible craft beer.

The irreverent company has turned to what they do best to establish the epic hotel, DogHouse, and the attached sour beer brewery – via crowdfunding.

Famous for shaking up the finance world with its anti-business model, Equity for Punks, BrewDog has taken more money through crowdfunding than any other business on record, and is now mobilising its army of loyal beer punks through Indiegogo to raise enough funds to fast track plans to create a beery utopia dedicated to the appreciation of great beer.

BrewDog co-founder James Watt commented: “So many people have visited our new brewery in America so far, and we’ve not even released our first beer yet.


“With the number of Equity Punks we now have stateside, as well as our international community of 55,000 shareholders, we’re gearing up to help make the pilgrimage to our brewery an even more immersive craft beer experience.

“The rooms in The DogHouse will be reminiscent of our most popular beers, with rooms overlooking the foeders in our new sour beer facility, and we’ll have hop-infused face masks – tailored to the hops in your favourite beers – malted barley massages plus, possibly my favourite part, a fridge in your en suite so you’re never more than arm’s length from a chilled can of Punk IPA.”

Alongside a personal Punk IPA tap in the bedroom, guests can also make the most of beer-based shampoos and shower gels, a fridge stocked with of the world’s best craft beers, hand-selected by the discerning BrewDog co-founders Watt and Martin Dickie, and deluxe beer-infused breakfasts, lunches and dinners, with beers matched to every course.

Guests can also enjoy private brewery tours, and backers of the Indiegogo campaign can secure the first five releases from the sour beer facility before anyone else.

For the truly dedicated, there is the opportunity to take on the world’s most ‘immersive’ craft beer experience, and plunge into a Punk IPA-filled hot tub.
BrewDog is aiming to throw open the doors of The DogHouse by the end of September 2018.

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