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Twitter Lists: Don’t be Greedy, Be Picky

Twitter Lists: Don’t be Greedy, Be Picky

Twitter Introduces Twitter Lists

The newest marketing opportunity presented by Twitter is Twitter lists. The new tool makes it easy to create lists of people you are following and to share those lists (if desired) with others.

This is a really important development that will expand the Web of connections that makes Twitter so valuable.

Why Twitter Lists Matter (even if you don’t use them yourself)

People who deliver great content on Twitter will be followed.  If people appreciate your presence they will add you to their lists.  As more people discover these lists, expect to gain more followers based on the recommendations of others.  All you have to do to benefit is to continue to be a great member of the Twitter community.


There are two ways to benefit from using Twitter Lists (in both cases, it pays to be selective)

Follow Lists of Other People

It’s the strength of your information network on Twitter that keeps you informed. The people in your network you trust will create excellent, credible lists of people to follow. Be choosy. Having too many people feeding you irrelevant information will make you reconsider the value of the list.

Make Lists of People

Be very selective about how your create your lists. If you go about it the right way, you could gain notoriety for providing links to people who matter and provide great info. You’ll be rewarded with others following your list.

Have a gander at the list I’ve created of Travel Twitter people who feed me to get started. If you trust me as a source, you might choose to follow this list.

If you do, let me know if you like it and make suggestions about who I’m missing. I know there is undiscovered treasure out there in Twitter!

Final Thought on Twitter Lists: As you get started making lists be sure to use keywords in naming your list that will be widely recognized by people in your tribe.